In today’s video I want to talk about how to make a man regret losing you. As you know I’m not a fan of talking about controlling or manipulating or you know trying to control a man, but in this video I want to talk about real things you can actually do...
This is not the typical kind of advice you hear. If you want a man to truly miss you, think about you and desire you, but you DON’T want to work for him (because it’s exhausting and you shouldn’t have to work for his love).. then you’ll want to...
In order to make a man fall in love, you must trigger pleasurable feelings inside him when he is around you. The more pleasurable feelings he feels, the more he’s going to want to be around you, the more he’s around you, the more he’ll fall in love with you. So why is...
Want a quality man, a man that is clearly “a catch”, a guy sought after by most women? Well, in order to ATTRACT this guy, you first need to know what “turns him off” because a guy like this does not come along that often! And I’ll show...
Ever wondered if you can you make your ex fall in love with you again? Is that even possible? I believe so! Read on to discover my 11 tips to make your ex fall in love with you… AGAIN! I find it necessary however, to preface my tips with a little note… it...
Do you know what to say if your ex was to contact you out of the blue? A lot of people unknowingly “screw things up” because they weren’t prepared for the surprise message, or they end up not saying much at all because they’re not sure HOW to...
Stop hustling for men and become the woman you want to be. Start with you, start with love!